Who is it for?


At school, or at a playground, children are exposed to various gases. Due to their weak immune systems, air quality has a greater impact on their health. More than that, children are curious about everything! They would love to know about their air quality. 



Patients need to be extra careful about their surroundings. Air is definitely one of them. Know your air and make sure you enhance it to the best quality. In the better air, you will be able to heal faster!



You are breathing in the air right now! Now you will be able to see what you are breathing in. Once you see it, the next step is to improve air quality.


What is it for?

We provide the air quality data for MBTA stations via videos and Google Maps. We also have a prototype that is the size of three stacks of phones which will allow you to carry with you and measure air quality at any places as you wish. Well, what does air quality measurement mean to you and what can you do with it?


Do it yourself

There are several ways to improve air quality at home.

  1. Keep your home clean: sweep your floor, vacuum often, and use damp cloth to dust.
  2. Circulate air: harmful gases will go out.
  3. Replace filters regularly: filters may contain dust and various gases.
  4. Do laundry: allergens and chemicals might be on the fabric.
  5. Keep the humidity lower than 50%: mold and bugs love humid places.
  6. Use fewer candles, cigars, and fireplaces: those cause smoke and air pollutions.
  7. Take off your shoes when you get home: Shoes are covered with dust and outside pollutants.

Contact organizations

Organizations are open to your thoughts and suggestions.

  1. Call environmental agencies (EPA, FOE, National Geographic, etc.), or nearby community office: tell them your thoughts.
  2. Be part of environmental organization yourself: lead and join! you will learn so much mire about improving air quality, and help others achieve it as well.
  3. Publish your ideas to a local newspaper: more people will be aware of your actions to improve air quality.